We all have dreams about achieving success, fulfilling our desires, reaching the top. Tragically though, most dreams never become reality. Let’s say that you have the thought, “I wish to become more successful.” As soon as that pops into your mind, several other thoughts will also pop up in your mind, telling you how difficult it is. Then it indeed becomes difficult to do it. And the desire just remains a desire.
To be successful in life and to achieve your dreams, it is important to replace negative beliefs with positive ones.
Here is a process to help you change your negative beliefs.
1. Recognize and accept the fact that you have some negative beliefs which are limiting you.
This first step in resolving any problem is to recognize that there is a problem.
People ignore the fact that everything we think and say has effects on our lives. We cannot find anything until we want it. On the other hand, we can achieve most everything we want. Whatever we can think, we can achieve.
I’m not saying you will achieve what you want, there are things you will have to do in order to have the achievement. I’m just saying achieving it requires that you have a concept of the possibility of its achievement for it to even be possible. I had a friend who opened many people’s lives and opportunities by teaching them to just try believing. Even if you’re not good at believing the possibility or you’re unsure it can work, what have you got to lose by trying? Not much. All I’m asking is that you let yourself say “well maybe I can, maybe it’s possible”. It may not happen tomorrow…. but it can’t hurt that much just try to telling yourself, maybe he’s right, maybe I can..” Supposing I’m right. It would be a shame if you missed out when it would have been so easy to say: “I think I can”.
Just try, you might be surprised…
In fact, I’m pretty sure if you try long enough, that you probably will be surprised!
2. Evaluate your existing beliefs and see which ones are working for you…. which beliefs represent something that you want.
Go ahead. There’s nothing in-and-of-itself wrong about wanting something. I’m pretty sure if you try accepting your right to want a thing, long enough, that you’ll be surprised how well it will get you what you want. I give you permission to try going down the path, because I know good things can happen from doing it.
3. Use positive affirmations to replace your negative beliefs with positive ones.
Try believing good things will happen! You might be surprised 😊.
For example, instead of saying “I don’t have enough money,” you can tell yourself, “I get money whenever I need it.” Be open-minded…
I remember when I first started to try believing crazy, wild, awesome things for myself, I also learned to be open-minded about how they would come to me; often those things came to me in ways that I hadn’t been thinking about, but were awesome, nevertheless.
Feeling gratitude is another powerful way to strengthen your current positive beliefs. These are the beliefs that have brought all the good things into your life.
Be aware of every negative thought and statement; turn them around. Every time you speak a negative statement, change it into a positive one and repeat it. Next time, make sure you use the positive statement instead.
Here are a few simple ideas for using positive affirmations:
• Try to always use the present tense. Otherwise, your dreams will never make it out of the future and into your present reality! Example: “I make $100,000 a year,” or “I weigh 150 pounds,” NOT “I want to (or I will) make $100,000 a year,” or “I want to (or I will) weigh 150 pounds.”
• Always state what you want, NOT what you do not want. Example: “I make $100,000 a year,” or “I weigh 150 pounds,” NOT “I don’t want to be poor,” or “I don’t want to gain more weight.”
Focus on what you want. Don’t even bother with thinking about limitations, failures, difficulties. If you spend your time thinking about good things, eventually the negative things won’t even come up anymore.
• Be relaxed and in a positive frame of mind when you say your affirmations. You want to infuse them with as much positive emotion as possible — think about how awesome you will feel as your dream becomes a reality! Feel that emotion! And smile with your whole being with a ‘wow,’ look at what you just created! This is where belief comes in place. Always remind yourself that if it exists in your imagination, it already exists for you. It is real. It’s not your job to worry about how or when those things will come into your awareness.
• Laugh, once the positive thoughts start working, you’ll laugh at how silly it was to not believe.
Here are some ideas for you to get started.
For example:
• Today I feel great. I feel wonderful!
• I am clear about what I want
• I am blessed
• I’m a creator of my life experiences
• I can do anything I set my mind on. (Can you really do “anything”? Of course not, but believe me you’ll be blown away at the things you can achieve, once you get traveling on the right path!
• I recognize that I am already succeeding in my life
• I am financially secure
• I have the power to attract abundance whenever I want it
• Money flows to me easily
• I appreciate life
• I choose to do more of what I like
• Every day, I am getting better and better in every area of my life
• I dare to act on my inspiration
• I can do whatever I set my sights on
• I have true friends who know me and encourage me
• With God, all things are possible
Feel free to add any affirmations that excite you! Make up your own, I don’t know you well enough… except to say, I know there are many great things you can do and receive in life once you get on a roll.
Add “I believe that” in front of each statement, for an extra boost.
4. Visualize yourself as already having succeeded in changing those beliefs.
Make a note of how your life will change with the new beliefs. Think of all the benefits you will have by developing new positive beliefs. This will help motivate you. As you start building new beliefs, it is important to visualize the improved situation. After all, other things in your life will change and adjust to your new, improved circumstances too as well.
Visualization is a powerful tool.
5. Suspend your disbelief.
The concept of suspending one’s disbelief is no different than hypnotism.
But how can we do the same without employing drastic measures like hypnotism? Use self-talk about your positive goals and dreams.
Oh, and did I mention, that your subconscious will start helping you figure out how to succeed in achieving those dreams. Have patience as you practice, eventually, your new beliefs will become fact.
6. Be grateful for your progress.
Sometimes people feel sorry for themselves, thinking they should not have done this or said that, for example: asking how you could have allowed yourself to put on that extra weight or let an important relationship drift away is not going to help.
Recognize that your old negative beliefs will slow you down; let your new positive beliefs over time start to take care of problems.
Be grateful each and every day for the progress you make, small or large. Remember, gratitude is a great multiplier. Plant what you want to reap.
Have fun and enjoy the process.
Positive beliefs are like good habits. A good habit is formed when you consistently repeat an activity over time.
• To be successful in life and to achieve your dreams, it’s important to replace negative beliefs with positive ones.
• Find and replace the old limiting beliefs.
• Accept that change takes time. Recognize and appreciate the progress along the way!